
Purchase: 2023 Thailand's Greatest Year

This book is printed on high quality photo paper using a color laser printer. The combnination of these two elements increases the cost, howevr, the quality of the photographs (295 of them) is exceptional. Laser printers print more dots per inch than ink jet printers enhancing text and photo clarity.
Special Offer: If you purchase a copy of "2023 - Thailand's Greatest Year," you can purchase a copy of "The Light Breaks on Southeat Asia" at 50% off the book's price. After your purchase both, I'll refund 50% of the cost of "The Light Breaks" via PayPal.
Current Inventory: Sold: 9 Available: 9
More copieis can be produced as dictated by demand.

To purchase "2023 - Thailand's Greatest Year " through Pay Pal, (No Pay Pal account is required) there are just three steps.

  1. Choose any of theses payment methods:
    • Use a debit or credit card
    • PayPal
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The price for Color Laserjet version on high grade photo paper is $89.95 USD, which includes shipping. Utah Sales tax is 7.25%.

The buttons below will perform the transaction with PayPal. The PayPal links are secured by standard SSL encrytion.

Note: Sales are limited to residents of the United States.

2023 - Thailand's Greatest Year