Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - The Church Enters Thailand
- How the U.S. military brought the gospel to Thailand during the war in Vietnam.
- The dedication of Thailand for the preaching of the gospel by Gordon B. Hinckley in 1966.
- The challenges presented to the first 6 full time missionaries to enter the country on February 2, 1968.
Chapter 2 - The Conversion of Srilaksana Suntarahut
The conversion of Srilaksana Suntarahut came through the Book of Mormon. She
was able to read the English version of the book and the first time she opened
it, she was overcome with a testimony of its truthfulness.
Chapter 3 - The Early Life of Sister Srilaksana
Sister Srilaksana's father was the physician to King Vajirawut (Rama 6). Her
mother was a good friend of the Queen Indrasakdi Sachi. After the King died in
1925, Sister Srilaksana and two sisters were raised by the widowed
Queen in Dusit Palace. Difficult times were experienced during the
democracy revolution of 1939 and also World War II.
Chapter 4 - Early Struggles and Accomplishments
This chapter deals with the history of missionary work in Thailand from 1968
through October 1976 when the Book of Mormon was printed in the Thai Language.
Among the topics covered are:
- Learning the Thai language
- Elder Benson visits (1968)
- Legend of a Gold and Silver Book
- The First native Thai Missionary (1969)
- Building Thailand's first Chapel at Asoke (1970-1972)
- A Very Dark Day (Deaths of Two Thailand Missionaries) (1971)
- Elder Romney visits (1971)
- The Visa Problem
- A Singular Unfortunate Event - Two Elders sent to prison in Nakhon Sawan (1972)
- Thailand Bangkok Mission organized (1973)
- Using Music to Introduce the Gospel. The music group "Sitichon Yuk Sud Thai", which continues today with the acronym "SYS"
Chapter 5 - Translation Issues
This chapter addresses some of the difficulties addressed in
translation. Among these challenges are:
- What do you do when the existing translation of the Bible into the Thai language is a poor translation
- How much do you rely on a poor translation of the Bible which came from the German language?
- What do you do when there are no words for God, Priesthood, Church, or paradise?
- How do you translate the proper names like Nephi, Mormon and Bountiful into Thai?
Chapter 6 - The Slow and Difficult Process of Translation
This chapter discusses the work of translation during 1970 and
1971. Among the stories are:
- First the church hired a professional translator, but since he knew nothing about the gospel the resulting translation was poor.
- The Book of Mormon review committee, went through First Nephi three times before they were satisfied with it.
- How do you translate Isaiah? Should the Thai Bible be your guide?
- Growing a vocabulary of terms used in the Book of Mormon including "And it came to pass".
Chapter 7 - Challenges and Answers
This chapter tells how certain challenges were resolved, including
how Sister Srilaksana found words for "prophet", "paradise" and
"priesthood". It also tells of a special blessing she received
after being very ill in a hospital in Bangkok. This blessing enabled
her to continue on to complete the work of translation.
Chapter 8 - Finishing Touches
Reviews for correctness are performed and several special verses in the Book of
Mormon are changed under the Lord's inspiration. The proper names used in the
Thai Book of Mormon are reviewed one last time. The translation of the index is
completed. The Church translation department holds a "readiness review" in
Bangkok prior to authorizing the publication of the Thai Book of Mormon.
Chapter 9 - Publication
Working with Grung Siam Press to publish the book meant more hours of
proofreading the final masters. The first footnotes are all placed at the end
of each chapter. A portion of the manuscript is lost. Employees at Grung Siam
come to realize the importance of the book they are publishing. Finally in
October 1976 the first 3000 copies of the Thai Book of Mormon are complete. The
24th full translation of the Book of Mormon was available to 40 million
citizens of Thailand.
Chapter 10 - Six Long Years
Six years were required to translate and publish the Thai Book of Mormon.
Sister Srilaksana's love of the Book of Mormon had grown and her thirst for
gospel knowledge was unending. The Lord had provided for the coming forth of
the Book of Mormon in the Thai language.
Epilogue - Church Growth in Southeast Asia
This chapter discusses significant events in the history of the Thailand
Bangkok Mission since the Book of Mormon was printed in October 1976. The
epilogue also discusses the opening of missionary work in Cambodia as well as
church efforts in Laos and Burma. Among the topics included are:
- Southeast Asia a Land of Turmoil and Strife
- Thailand Slow But Steady Progress
- More missionaries die in the Lord's service
- The First Thai Couple Married in the Temple (1977)
- A Newsletter that Created News (1991)
- An Apostolic Blessing on Thailand (1992)
- Creation of the Thailand Bangkok Stake (1995)
- Selection of a Stake Patriarch (1995)
- President Hinckley visits Thailand (2000)
- Formal Church Recognition in Thailand (2002)
- The Tsunami of December 26, 2004
- Thailand Statistics 2005
- Modern Tools Bring Greater Consistency to the Work of Translation
- The Church Enters Cambodia
- The Church in Burma
- The Church in Laos
Appendix A - Thailand Dedicatory Prayer
Text of Elder Gordon B. Hinckley's prayer of dedication in Lumpini Park in
Bangkok Thailand on November 2, 1966.
Appendix B - Missionaries Who Helped with Translation
List of Missionaries who helped with the translation of the Thai Book of Mormon
Appendix C - First 256 Missionaries to Serve in Thailand
Names of the first 256 missionaries to serve in Thailand (arrived before July
1, 1975)
Appendix D - Presidents of the Thailand Bangkok Mission
Mission Presidents with responsibility for missionary work in Thailand prior to
the formation of the Thailand Bangkok Mission in 1973. All Mission Presidents
from 1973-2009 including photographs with their wives.
Appendix E - Cities Opened
A list of all cities opened for the preaching of the gospel in Thailand before
October 1976 when the Book of Mormon was printed.
Appendix F- Announcement of the Thailand Bangkok Mission
Letter from President Shurtleff in Singapore announcing the creation of the
Thailand Bangkok Mission
Appendix G - Maps
Maps of Southeast Asia and Thailand so the reader may locate the cities referenced in the book.
Appendix H - Thai Transliteration Guide
A guide to the English Transliteration of Thai words used in the text.